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Raw Selenite Bar Necklace on 26" Black Cord

This necklace is perfect for people of all ages and genders, plus it goes with everything!

Selenite is named after the Greek goddess Selene, who rules over the moon. It has properties that are truly unique for spiritual and metaphysical purposes, since it's one of the only crystals that doesn't need to be cleansed. In fact, it cleanses all other crystals in its proximity!

It is related to peace, purity, and higher consciousness, and is often used to assist with meditation and astral projection. Selenite's high vibrational energy aids us in aligning our higher selves with our conscious physical lives, helping us manifest our desires into the physical.

The energy is so high and pure that it fills our cells, our being, and all aspects of our lives with the pure love and light of the Divine Source.

Raw Selenite Bar Necklace on 26" Black Cord - Keep the Power of the Moon with Yo

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